Sunday 31 July 2016


Welcome guys! Hope you might have crossed the age of 17 or else be approaching it. I found some special lessons which I learned at the age of 17. Let's see what are they :-

01. Just go for it.
02. Stop. Look. Go.
03. “No” is a complete sentence and does not require any justification or explanation.
04. Understand that not everyone is going to like you — and accept it.
05. Trust your gut.
06. Nothing lasts forever, good or bad.
07. Finding yourself is a lifelong process.
08. Talk to people.
09. Laugh, especially at yourself.
10. Do the things that scare you to death.
11. There’s only so much you can control.
12. Look up from your smart phone.although i dont have one
13. It really is the little things.yeah really it is if you think about it..
14. Don’t compare yourself to others.s
15. Be yourself, as cliched as it is.
16. Vulnerability is not weakness. It’s a strength.
17. Life doesn’t wait.


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Working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way

"glaucoma is an insidious disease"

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