Thursday 7 July 2016

Road To Excellence

Hey guys, this is Nikhil again. A few days ago I was wondering what is reason of the success of the thousands of successful people. See what I found 

The biggest reason behind success of thousands of successful people according to me is  
They Don't Hesitate 
They asked whatever questions were there in their mind. Some people laughed at them ,but the person who asked the question laughed last. They aren't any super special breed, the thing due to which they are successful is that they asked, understand, ignored, and most important acted. Because many people are there who know every thing but aren't acting. So,if you aren't acting then all the acquired knowledge is just useless.

So better do the following things and see the change around you :

1. Ask Questions ( try to be reasonable , don't ask nuisance to waste time)

2. Understand (never try to cram anything instead learn and understand it )

3. Ignore ( ignore the comments, faces made by your own known people when you are doing something good)

4. ACT ( you already know how to do that .  Just give yourself a push :-)


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Working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way

"glaucoma is an insidious disease"

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