Thursday 24 November 2016

Be The Change You Want To See In The World

Hey guys meeting u after a long time .... Now I am thinking to work on a new project ... As it was well said by father of our nation Mahatma Gandhi that "Be The Change You Want To See In The World" . So, me and my friends were thinking about the placement cell of the college and its current situation ... we realised that if we didn't did anything ... soon we will be end up doing some stuff for some company for 5-6 lakhs per annum and which we didn't want. All the seniors had the same complaints of not having good companies in the college .. and the staff replied the students weren't of that level .... and hence .... after looking at all the stuff....  I realised that I should be the change I want to see in the world and right now my world is my seniors , my juniors , my classmates , my friends , my relatives and most important my family .... and last but not the least ... MY COLLEGE... So, in order to do something new ... I asked some juniors to join me and do something different .... and hope we will end up creating some history... So, I welcome all the guys to the group and hope we will became the change that we wanted to see in the world .... Pls do reply how u liked my idea ... 😄😄😄😄😄


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Working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way

"glaucoma is an insidious disease"

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