Sunday 3 July 2016

SIMPLIFIED | Calculating the Coal requirement of a Thermal power plant

Dhairya Vyas has come up with his own simplified equation to calculate the coal requirement for Thermal Power Plant. Let's have a look at it.
A thermal power plant generates electricity using steam which rotates a turbine
which is connected to a generator through a common shaft.

In India around 0.18 million MW of electricity is generated using coal as a fuel.
Now 1 unit of electricity is equal to 1KWhr

The efficiency of a power plant depends on two of the major operations:

Now, heat required to produce one unit viz 1KWhr is equal to 3600KJ

Assuming the efficiency of boiler as X
and of steam cycle as Y

The overall efficiency is given by XY/100
Now XY/100=3600KJ
Hence we require 100x3600 divided by XY/100 of heat

Now by knowing heat required to generate one unit one can find out the amount of coal required by knowing the GCV viz Gross Calorific value

To simplify:

Coal required to generate one unit is given by

(36x10^6)/(XY x GCV)

X=boiler efficiency & Y=steam cycle efficiency

This article is submitted by Dhairya Vyas to EngineersBurger. Give your valuable comments by commenting below.


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Working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way

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